In my previous work of Pygmalion and Galatea I had the awesome opportunity to research and learn more about Diana, the goddess of Hunting and Wildlife. Diana is well known for her boldness and courage, and is often considered a kind of triple goddess: Diana as huntress, Diana as the moon, and Diana of the underworld. She is also a midwife goddess that helped mothers in childbirth, and she has a strong relationship with the nymphs. She was always accompanied by nymphs that followed her and helped her in the hunting. I fell in love with this concept and decided to make a project dedicated to her. For me, her connection with freedom, motherhood and beauty defines a great symbol of the self sufficient woman, strong, independent, deeply connected with nature and with other women (sorority!). I also have been very interested in showing how a woman can express her beauty and sensuality in a deep and meaningful way that expresses not only her better curves but also her shinny soul. I´m very happy with the final result and I hope you also enjoy, and feel inspired to bring out the boldness and virtues of Diana which already lies inside yourself! :)
Model: Natália Mesquita

I starded the work by doing some reference research:

Then I made some sketched of possible poses I may experiment in the photo shoot:

After I decided the pose I would explore in the photo shoot, I started prepared the studio to create the lights I would like to have in the final composition. Actually I don´t have a studio 😅 so I improvised. I used my bed as the platform to create a stand position like a high jump. Then I placed a ladder so I coul take a shoot from a top view. I wanted to create the effect of magic light bow and arrow so I prepared a source of ligth for it. To give a more dramatic effect and add value to the curves of the model I placed a small light source from the botom. This was the original final photo:

Then I started workin on photoshop to create the final piece using photo edition and some digita painting techniques to achieve the final result :)